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Best Places to Snowshoe In Michigans UP
Spectacular Great Lakes coastlines, Midwestern wilderness of the rawest kind, abundant and visible wildlife—oh, and some of the most snow-clobbered terrain in the country: The Upper Peninsula (U.P....
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Best Places to Snowshoe in Lower Michigan
Lower Michigan may not be quite the vast snow kingdom that the UP becomes in winter, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a stellar place to strap on your Crescent Moon foam snowshoes. With many out...
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Best Places to Snowshoe in Idaho
From the Northern Rocky Mountains to the edge of the Great Basin’s sagebrush sea, from the brink of Hells Canyon to the western ramparts of the Yellowstone Plateau, Idaho tempts outdoor lovers all...
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Best Places to Snowshoe in Wisconsin
From the prairies and oak savannas of the south to the great “North Woods,” Wisconsin tempts snowshoers with wonderfully varied Upper Midwestern landscapes—and, maybe, needless to say, quite a bit...
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Great Snowshoe Treks in US National Parks
If you are looking for the top places in the country to go snowshoeing, then look no further than national parks. National parks are protected areas in the United States that are perfect for everyo...
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Why Wear Snowshoes?
When it comes to snowshoeing, many people look at snowshoes for the first time and realize they are shaped oddly. They don’t look like shoes, but they also don’t look like skis? Why are they design...
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Should You Sink Deep in Snowshoes?
The morning is crisp, the air is so clean and clear you feel like you can see forever into the blue sky and the deep woods, but you go out to adventure and sink right down into the powder. No problem,...
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How Much Snow do you Need to Snowshoe?
Snowshoeing is a great way to experience everything the outdoors have to offer, particularly during the winter. During the late part of the fall and early part of spring, people might look outside,...
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Best Places to Snowshoe in Ontario, Canada
Mighty winter snowfall and an excellent network of parks and trails make Ontario a fabulous destination to snowshoe: one of North America’s best. Floating along in your Crescent Moon snowshoes, you...
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How To Stay On The Map With or Without Snowshoes
It’s fall and there are just a few days left before the first big snowstorms arrive. It’s your last opportunity to get in a few hikes to see the fall colors before the change of season. Most snowsh...
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Springtime Snowshoeing - Best Places and Better Deals
Springtime is perhaps the best time to break out your snowshoes and snowshoeing equipment. Solitude on snowshoes – Head to your favorite resort this spring! With long, warm days and most ski ar...
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What is the attraction to Snowshoeing?
Snowshoeing is one of the fastest growing and most popular winter outdoor activities in North America and Europe, according to information recently published by Snowsports Industries of America (SI...
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Is Snowshoeing Really Harder Than Hiking?
The snowshoe has allowed humans much more mobility during times when the snow piles up and trekking even the small distance across the yard feels like a chore. While snowshoes make walking in the s...
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Why Were The First Snowshoes Invented: An Evolution Of Snowshoeing
When people think about snowshoeing today, they often think about a fantastic winter sport that also provides plenty of exercise as people get out in the wilderness and experience the outdoors; how...
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Best Places To Snowshoe In Nova Scotia
Those who are looking for a great place to go snowshoeing need to look no farther than Nova Scotia. The Halifax region is a glorious place for everyone who loves to go snowshoeing. While the cool t...
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How To Properly Snowshoe
When it comes to winter sports, people often think about skiing and snowboarding; however, one of the most underrated activities is snowshoeing. When snowshoeing started thousands of years ago, thi...
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How Do Snowshoes Keep You From Sinking?
When someone steps foot outside and takes a look at the new snow that has graced the ground, the feeling of excitement starts to build. This is a great time to get out and start snowshoeing. As peo...
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Snowshoe Trail Running
When someone finds out about the mountains, one of the first questions they seem to ask everyone is whether or not they ski. Sure, skiing is a great outdoor sport; however, there is another enduran...
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How Many Calories Do You Burn Snowshoeing for an Hour?
Let’s face it. Bitter northland winters can make you feel old, sad, inactive and downright flabby if you let them. But here’s the deal. It doesn’t have to stay that way. You may not be able to be...
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How Do You Snowshoe for Beginners
There are a number of reasons to go snowshoeing. It’s a great winter exercise, it’s a great social activity, and it's affordably priced winter activity. With a little bit of research, you will find...
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