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Feb 15th - Feb 22nd! 20% Off all accessories
Feb 15th - Feb 22nd! 20% Off all accessories
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Crescent Moon's Snowshoe Accessories Sale

What's the next best thing to Crescent Moon snowshoes? Crescent Moon snowshoe accessories and they're on sale for a limited time only! From avalanche probe kits to heel lifts, we're giving all...

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Do You Need Trekking Poles to Snowshoe?

Are you considering your first snowshoe outing? Than you should consider getting a pair of  trekking poles. They are great for first timers to keep your balance on unsteady trails, as well a...

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Best Places to Snowshoe in Norway

Using traditional snowshoes for hiking has a long and storied history in Norway, dating back thousands of years. You can walk on the snow's surface with these snowshoes without having to worry...

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Where are the Best Places to Snowshoe in New Mexico?

New Mexico is an enchanted land of contradiction. If you have never been or only visited a small section, you may think of dry deserts, but the fact is that the state holds a reputation for being a...

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Must Have Snowshoe Accessories

Our mission is to make the worlds best snowshoes and provide our friends, and new friends - customers - with a world class outdoor experience no matter where you live. Snowshoes are the obvious n...

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Avalanche Safety for Snowshoers

For a snowshoer in rugged, high-relief terrain, avalanches are a real cause for concern. These mighty snow slides are nothing to take lightly: Nearly 30 people a year are killed by avalanches in th...

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Foam Snowshoes For Ice Fishing

There is nothing better than a day on the ice doing what you love. Ice fishing is an activity that many who live in the colder climates enjoy and can be easy to do with just some basic equipment. I...

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Take a Hike - Snow or No Snowshoes!

Hiking is the no-snow, warm weather version of snowshoeing, and vice versa of course. The American Hiking Society has a great site to visit and find out more about hiking, which in the winter, we l...

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Are Snowshoes Good On Ice?

For those who love the sport of snowshoeing, they know that this is a great way to get outside, see the wilderness, and explore the beauty of the mountains during the winter; however, as anyone who...

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Can You Use Poles While Showshoeing?

There are plenty of ways to enjoy the great outdoors and one of the most popular is snowshoeing. For those who live in the mountains, there might be snow on the ground for six months out of the yea...

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